1Boundaries of Palestine prior to United Nations Plan of Partition -November, 1947 . . . State Department Papers on Foreign Relations - 1948.

2Ministry of Tourism, Republic of Lebanon, Published by Neopublicite, Paris, undated.

3Cleveland Plain Dealer - March 6, 1974

4Fleming, Thomas. "Who Really Discovered America" Reader's Digest. March, 1973.

5Brochure, National Council on Tourism, Republic of Lebanon, undated.

6Ministry of Tourism, Government of Jordan - brochure - 1969.

7Brochure, Ministry of Tourism, Government of Egypt - 1970.

8Old Testament, New American Bible, Catholic Book Publishing Co. New York, NY - 1970. Genesis Chapter 16, Verse 4.

9ibid. Verse 7.

10ibid. Verse 9.

11ibid. Verse 10.

12ibid. Verse 11.

13Old Testament, New American Bible - Genesis Chapter 21.

14New Testament, New American Bible - Mathew, Chapter 7, Verse 12.

15Glubb, Sir John. The Empire of the Arabs. Prentice-Hall, Inc. New Jersey, pg. 21.

16Hoballah, Dr. Mahmoud F., Islam and Human Tenets. Published by the Islamic Center, Washington, D.C. undated.

17Pickthall, Mohamed Marmaduke. The Glorious Koran (Translation). Published by New American Library of World Literature, Inc. N.Y. 1953.

18Pickthall. Koran. Surah 7, "The Heights" Verse 54.

19Pickthall. Koran. Surah 9. "The Maryam" Verses 21, 21.

20Pickthall. Koran. Surah 5. "The Table Spread" Verses 112 to 114.

21ibid. Surah LXXV. "The Rising of the Dead". Verses 7 to 12.

22ibid. Surah IV. "Women." Verse 32.




23ibid. Surah IV. "Women." Verse 35.

24Landau, Rom. Arab Heritage of Western Civilization. Published by Arab Information Center, New York, NY - 1962. pp. 1-40.

25ibid. p. 28.

26ibid. pp. 14, 31, 64.

27ibid. p.35.

28Islamic Heritage. Published by Esso Standard, Libya, Inc. pp. 21, 22. undated.

29ibid. p. 22.

30Landau, Arab Heritage, p. 33.

31ibid. p. 55.

32ibid. p. 56.

33Islamic Heritage, p. 5.

34Landau, p. 83.

35Monroe, Joan. "Islam in Russia," Aramco Mor1d Magazine, January - February, 1976. pp. 6-12.

36Landau, Rom. Arab Heritage, p. 42.

37ibid. p. 39.

38ibid. pp. 3, 7, 38.

39ibid. p. 44.

40Islamic Heritage, p. 25.

41ibid. p. 25.

42Glubb, Sir John Bagot, The Lost Centuries. Prentice-Hall, N.J. 1967. p. 295.

43Landau - Arab Heritage, pp. 60-61.

44ibid. pp. 61-63.

45ibid. p. 85.

46Islamic Heritage, p. 28.

47Landau - Arab Heritage. p. 68.




48ibid. p. 74.

49ibid. p. 75.

50Aramco World Magazine, May-June, 1976. "The World of Islam, Its Music."

51Landau. Arab Heritage. p. 16.

52Letter from Isabella and Ferdinand. Washington Irving, Life of Columbus, Published by J. B. Miller and Co. New York, N.Y. 1895. p. 184.

53Younis, Dr. Adele L. Thesis. "The Coming of the Arabic Speaking People to the United States." Ph. D. Dissertation, Boston University. Graduate School of History, 1961.

54Col. T. E. Lawrence. (Lawrence of Arabia) Revolt in the Desert. George H. Doran Company, 1926.

55Tegreene was a Finance Director in the Kucinich Administration. Later, he ran for election to the office of Clerk of Courts but was defeated.