Cleveland's Golden Story A Chronicle of Hearts that Hoped, Minds that Planned and Hands that Toiled, to Make a City "Great and Glorious" by James Wallen after data by Professor William M. Gregory 1920 TABLE OF CONTENTS from the last chapter: Instead of simply harboring institutions, as the river's mouth receives its ships, Cleveland is using them consciously and directly for the benefit of its citizens. Cleveland typifies the Nazarene ideal that a city is a home in which the health and happiness of the individual is a public concern. If the writer of this narrative were asked to set forth Cleveland's great idea, he would employ but two words---Cleveland cares. Cleveland will grow richer but not scornful, more powerful but not ungentle, more illustrious but not forgetful. And for this ideal, Cleveland's image will ever dwell like a kindly light on the hearts of men. |
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