Cs�rd�s Dance Company is a nine-member youth company who has performed in many venues alongside the senior company. Cs�rd�s, headed by Founder and Co-Artistic Director, Richard Graber, is ten years old. Graber utilizes ideas inspired by mentor S�ndor T�m�r (former Artistic Director of the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble) while studying in Budapest. Most Cs�rd�s youth ensemble members are second, third or later generation Hungarian, and some are not of Hungarian descent at all. Graber feels such a program helps foster the general appreciation of different cultures, which is both educational and fun for children. Cs�rd�s Dance Company/Movement Arts Center is Ohio's and the region's only nonprofit professional dance organization presenting traditional and contemporary works stemming from Hungarian heritage.
Visit the Cs�rd�s Dance Company on the web at www.csardasdance.com