A History of the City of Cleveland: Its Settlement, Rise and Progress 1796-1896 by James Harrison Kennedy

"The chief reason for the appearance of this narrative may be found in the fact that no sustained and adequate history of the city of Cleveland has been attempted in recent years, and that this centennial year seemed to demand something that should clearly set forth the wonderful things that one hundred years have accomplished. Subordinate reasons are found in an unusual opportunity for the collection of material, and a deep interest in all that relates to the creation and development of the great city whose history is here recorded." — From the preface
This text is also available from the Library of Congress in several digital formats.
Credits and Appreciation
This work has been typed, proofed and converted to html by Janet Mongan, of the Cleveland State University Library. We thank her for this huge undertaking.
Permission & Rights
This work, published before 1924, may be in the public domain now, but in any event we believe this digital edition to fall under Fair Use provisions.
This digital version, however, is the property of the Cleveland State University and short extracts may be used for academic and private research purposes only. No significant reproduction of this digital edition, and no commercial use in any amount or form is permitted without express written consent of the university.
Any permitted uses of this digital edition must credit the Michael Schwartz Library as the source.
Although every effort was made to insure the accuracy of this edition, as measured against the original book, we do not guarantee that it is an identical copy. Indeed, in some instances we determined that minor modifications of layout and other changes would enhance the digital presentation of this work and were incorporated.
Furthermore, we have made minor modifications of layout and other changes to enhance the digital presentation of this work that we believe make the web edition easier to use than a literal replication of the print edition would provide. None of these additions or changes detract from the intellectual integrity of the original work.
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