Panoramic view of Public Square, Cleveland, O. 1900-1929

Fenn College On-Line

Fenn College Technical Institute

Nicholas R. Rimboi, Director of the Technical Institute
Nicholas R. Rimboi, Director of the Technical Institute.

The Technical Institute of Fenn College was established in 1937 to meet the needs of persons wanting specific technological knowledge or training for use on the job. In the technical area, a student becomes familiar with engineering technology and how it combines scientific and engineering knowledge and methods with technical skills to support engineering activities.

Admission to any course in the Technical Institute is based upon the likelihood of a student's success in the course and his probable benefit from it. This is determined by a personal interview and takes into consideration such factors as the student's previous education, experience, and maturity. Graduation from high school is preferred, but not required.

Students in the Tech. Institute

The Institute offers two types of training: 1) courses that are designed to be of immediate value to the student on the job; and 2) programs - groups of courses dealing with one particular field of study that are designed to give a working knowledge of the field.

The courses and programs offered by the Technical Institute are on a level between those of the vocational school and the engineering school. They are technological in nature and emphasize the basic principles of mathematics and science rather than the acquisition of manual skills. For most courses in the Technical Institute, high school graduation is required; however, some courses are designed for the non-high school graduate.

Student receives award from Rimboi

The Institute awards certificates to students who complete its programs successfully, but it does not grant degrees nor do its courses carry college credit.The curriculum is similar in nature to much of the work in professional engineering schools but briefer and more completely technical. Its major purpose is to prepare individuals for various technical positions or other specialized occupations within the broad field of engineering.

The Technical Institute plans its courses with the needs of Cleveland industry and its employees in mind. They are designed to be of immediate value to:

  • Non-high school graduates with industrial experience who want additional education
  • High school graduates who wish to work toward a specific objective
  • Graduates of non-engineering colleges who feel the need for technical training on the job
  • Graduates of engineering colleges whose positions call for direct and immediate training in a specific technological subject which is not entirely within their own field.
Tech. faculty with students

The Technical Institute faculty consists largely of instructors employed during the day in various specialized fields of work and who have demonstrated their ability as teachers. Thus they are familiar with the practical and up-to-date applications of the theory they teach. Responsibility for standards of instruction is carried by the advisory Committee and the academic departments most closely related to the various subject fields.