Panoramic view of Public Square, Cleveland, O.

The d.a. levy collection

"cleveland - there are parts of me
you will not understand
for centuries."
— d a levy
The d.a. levy collection
all copyrot rejected by author

As poet, artist and publisher, d.a. levy was an important literary and underground figure in Cleveland's emerging poetry and small/alternative press scene in the early 1960s and continued to be until his untimely death in 1968.

levy documented his love-hate relationship with the city and the politics of the day through his poetry and art which today provides a unique political and social perspective of 1960s Cleveland. Considered a visionary by many of his contemporaries, levy transcended the geographical boundaries of the city as well, with his work acknowledged by such nationally renowned poets as Allen Ginsberg and Gary Snyder. Read more about levy.

This on-line collection showcases materials from the Michael Schwartz Library's d.a. levy Collection at Cleveland State University and includes levy's poetry and artwork from the 1960s. Examples of work by his contemporaries, many of whom he published and/or collaborated with in his various publications are also available in the Library’s Special Collections Department.

Exhibit Features:

The Library is always looking to expand its d. a. levy collection. If you are or know of someone who would like to donate, sell or lend to digitize original d. a. levy material please contact Special Collections at the Michael Schwartz Library, Cleveland State University.