Hungarian Americans of Cleveland
About This Site
Hungarian Americans of Cleveland is one of a series of websites developed by the Michael Schwartz Library, Cleveland State University to explore the ethnic influences that helped shape the history and development of Cleveland. This website is also supported by the Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Society.

Cleveland is, and has been, a destination of immigrants from all over the world. The Hungarian community in Greater Cleveland is one such ethnic group, resulting in the second largest Hungarian group in the world, second only to Budapest, Hungary. According to the Encyclopedia of Cleveland History, 61, 681 Greater Clevelanders claimed Hungarian descent per the 1990 census. Find current demographic data.
This website is the result of the cooperation between the Michael Schwartz Library, Cleveland State University and the Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Museum. The Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Society's mission is to preserve Hungarian culture and the experience of Hungarians in Northeast Ohio, and to provide information to all Hungarians about their culture, history and literature. To carry out its mission, the Society operates a museum and a library as a Hungarian historical, cultural and artistic center which offers resources mainly in Hungarian and English languages about history, literature, tradition of Hungarians in Hungary and in the USA. But with the help Cleveland State University Library and the Cleveland Memory Website there is now an opportunity to provide information about the Hungarians through Internet to all the world. This website is a link between the Museum’s collection and other existing resources at the Library which are related to Hungarian-American history and culture.
This Hungarian-Americans of Cleveland website is a tribute to all the struggles, sacrifices and accomplishments of the Hungarian-Americans.
The Hungarian-Americans of Cleveland website is a collaborative effort. The following is a list of people and organizations that have spent valuable time and energy to assist in the development of this website:
Judit Gerencser, Fulbright Scholar
European Documentation Centre, Szombathely Hungary
The Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Society:
- Maria Friedrich
- Otto Friedrich
- Andrew Lazar
- Magdelene Meszaros
- Klara Papp
- Steve Szappanos
The Cleveland State University Library:
- William Barrow
- Joanne Cornelius
- Barbara Florjancic
- Lisa Khoenle
- Donna Stewart
- Glenda Thornton
- Henry York
- Carol T. Zsulya
- Student Assistants in the Digital Production Unit
- Cleveland Hungarian Development Panel
- Cleveland Hungarian Heritage Society
- Cleveland State University Library
- Hungarian Genealogy Club
- Western Reserve Historical Society